"Living out our commitments as Regnum Christi members requires us to continue seeking the development of our natural and supernatural gifts. We do this through our own personal efforts, but also together with other Regnum Christi members. With them, we find guidance, materials, and activities specific to our mission. Anything we can do to help ourselves keep growing as human beings and as Catholics falls under the category of 'formation.' We identify this as one of the five elements [of life in Regnum Christi], however, because it happens only when we are intentional about it. We must make our ongoing formation a personal priority, so that our growth in 'wisdom and age and favor before God and man' (how the Gospel describes Jesus in Luke 2:52) becomes a reality and not merely a nebulous desire.
From "What is Regnum Christi?" by Fr. John Bartunek, LC.
Q&A Video with author Fr. John Bartunek, LC on the new RCSpirituality Essay, Our Formation Pathway: A Regnum Christi Essay on Integral Formation and the Journey to Christian Maturity. (RC Spirituality is a service of Regnum Christi that creates life changing Catholic formation materials in many media formats.)