The Weekend of Equipping presented and facilitated by Bart Schuchts was an event that provided a practical, spiritual and powerful means for living our mission. Please see highlights below! The Weekend of Equipping is like no other of any kind of conference or retreat because not only did participants have the opportunity to learn how to hear God, abide in Him, and pray with and for others, we actually did it. It called us to stretch ourselves out of our comfort zones to minister to others with prayer. This is a practical way of meeting the needs of those who make up our local Church! It invited us to deeper intimacy with the Holy Spirit, calling on Him in daily life, throughout the moments of our day. This is indeed a pathway to deeper conversion and how Christ intended it to be when he sent us the Holy Spirit, our Advocate. It challenged us to live the call in John 14:12 - to believe in Christ and the works He does and be open to doing what He did as the Holy Spirit wills. It demonstrated how this call to live in close relationship with the Holy Spirit is solidly founded in Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It is the call for every Catholic. It is the way we live our faith actively, intentionally, and sacrificially. We saw how vulnerability is key in seeking healing and communion with God, ourselves, and each other.